Deploy Apache Kafka and Zookeeper Cluster on Kubernetes

This document will gives you how to deploy 3 nodes kafka and 3 node zookeeper cluster on kubernetes. I believe this will help you because most of the online documents are there with “helm” and I couldn’t fine simple way to deploy these two component together.
- kubernetes cluster with kubectl access.
2. Basic shell scripts knowledge
Lets deploy
What you have to do is just copy this yml file and deploy this on your kubernetes cluster.
Deploy command
kubectl apply -f zookeeper-kafka-cluster.yml
If your zookeeper containers didn't run properly you can check the logs
kubectl logs zookeepr-0
also this scripts is the game changer in the bitnami zookeeper image therefore you can change it depend on your hostname format.
echo $(( $(cat /etc/hosts | grep zookeeper | awk '{print($3)}' | awk '{split($0,array,"-")} END{print array[3]}') + 1 )) > /bitnami/zookeeper/data/myid
If everything runs perfectly then you can check the pods
kubectl get pods
Also you can access the kafka cluster with the pod dns.
Eg: kafka-0.kafka-cluster.default.svc.cluster.local:9092
Finally I have used binami images here and this is really easy for me to deploy the cluster the way I want.
I hope I have save your day… enjoy.. :D