Apache Nifi - Combine MySQL and PostgreSQL records over REST API

Here I’m using Apache NiFi ETL tool to assess 2 DBs and combined the output together. Also I’m running MySQL and PostgreSQL Docker containers with sample data to simulate this use case.
MySQL Table

PostgreSQL table

Use Case
Need to query 2 databases with unique ID and combined results, remove similar fields and output as json object.
Using Apache NifI as a ETL tool and combined 2 DBs records and output as json object.
Big Picture

Required Components — Nifi Processors
1. HandleHttpRequest
2. HandleHttpResponse
3. GenerateTableFetch
4. ExecuteSQLRecord
5. SplitRecord
6. ConvertRecord
7. MergeContent
8. ExtractText
9. ReplaceText
10. LogAttribute

Nifi Processor Configuration
- Processor Name : HandleHttpRequest
Configuration :

We can give any available port under Listening Port property
Under Hostname property we can give NiFi server IP or localhost. (If you give Server IP make sure to configure it on nifi.properties file)
Under HTTP Context Map select “StabdardHttpContextMap” keep below configurations

2) Processor Name : HandleHttpResponse
Configuration :

Same as HandleHttpRequest process we can use “StabdardHttpContextMap”

3) Processor Name : GenerateTableFetch
Configuration :

Under Table name we have to provide our RDBMS table name
Here I have configure NiFi expression language in Additional WHERE clause property, What it does is it can read the REST request and get some values to use as WHERE clause property
Eg : http://localhost :8008/field/?id=111111 -> this id=111111 will take as WHERE clause
Under Database Connection Pooling Service select the “DBCPConnectionPool” and clink on -> icon
Then you will move forward to

Here select the “DBCPConnectionPool” configuration and click on * icon, Then you can have the configuration screen as below

On this window we have provide
· Databases connection url
· DB Driver class name
· DB driver location (Local NiFi server)
· Database user and Password
Once all done we can enable the configuration as below

Same procedure you can do for the PostgreSQL as well. Only change you have to do is, Provide
· Databases connection url
· DB Driver class name
· DB driver location (Local NiFi server)
· Database user and Password

4) Processor Name : ExecuteSQLRecord
Configuration :

Note :
Likewise earlier we have to configure same configuration for MySQL and PostgreSQL.
Record Writer Property we can configure as below

5) Processor Name : SplitRecord
Configuration :

Record Reader configurations

Record Writer configurations

6) Processor Name : ConvertRecord
Configuration :

Note :
We can use same Record Reader, Record Writer configurations where we have user for “SplitRecord” process
7) Processor Name : MergeContent
Configuration :

Note :
This Process is merge 2 DB query records together
8) Processor Name : ExtractText
Configuration :

Note :
This process will extract the CSV record as an attributes by the help of NiFi expression language
CSV Property values
9) Processor Name : ReplaceText
Configuration :

Note :
This process will replace the attribute according to our required format
Eg : {
${“csv.1”} : ${“csv.3”},
${“csv.2”} : ${“csv.4”},
${“csv.6”} : ${“csv.8”}
10) Processor Name : LogAttribute
Configuration :

Note :
We can forward failure logs in to LogAttribute (if needed) and it will help us to T-shoot the process.
Results over Postman
Once configuration is done, we can start all the processors and access the configured URL from the postman tool